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Çetiner Attorney Partnership was established in 1984 as a law office in Ankara and later, in accordance with Article 44/B of the Law on Lawyers, it acquired the status of a legal entity partnership registered under the Partnership Registry number (03) of the Ankara Bar Association.

Currently, within the structure of Çetiner Attorney Partnership, Attorney T. Ufuk Çetiner and Attorney Engin Çetiner serve as managing lawyers. They are graduates of Ankara Law Faculty and represent the fourth generation of a legal tradition in the family, inheriting the legacy from their late father, Attorney Turan Hayati Çetiner (1928 - 2004). Attorney Emre Çetiner, a fifth-generation lawyer in the family, also practices within the partnership.

Additionally, Çetiner Attorney Partnership employs experienced lawyers who have been serving for years, along with skilled legal secretaries, legal process, execution, and accounting personnel.

Following the sale of state shares in Petrol Ofisi AŞ to İş Bankası – Doğan Holding consortium (İş – Doğan Petrol Yatırımları) in the year 2000, Çetiner Attorney Partnership began to participate in the company's legal cases and proceedings. Holding this responsibility for 20 years, Çetiner Attorney Partnership has undertaken representative duties in numerous lawsuits and legal proceedings across the country in the fields of private law, administrative law, and tax law.

Apart from its role with Petrol Ofisi AŞ, Çetiner Attorney Partnership has been providing legal and advisory services for PETDER Petrol Sanayi ve Emobilite Derneği since 2004, TP Petrol Dağıtım AŞ since 2011, and Termopet Akaryakıt Anonim Şirketi since 2020. It also offers legal and advisory services to individual gasoline and autogas dealers.

Çetiner Attorney Partnership primarily specializes in the areas of energy law, commercial law, competition law, information technology law, trademark and patent law, personal data protection law, and execution law in its legal and advisory activities.

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