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In our age, division of labor and specialization are gradually deepening, as in every field, solution of conflict in the field of law increases the necessity for people and corporal organizations with detailed information and experience. In this context, the duty of the attorney is; to provide the client with well-timed, precise and effective legal assistance and thus avoid loss of rights and contribute to the justice to be served.

On the case the attorney is demanded assistance, first of all; job’s extent, the justifiability of the demand and the ways of solution are investigated. In this context, an efficiency analysis is made on; organization’s knowledge, team and time in a particular issue. Prerequisite on acceptance of the job is; demand’s being in the legal ground, client’s purpose and expectations’ compatibility with attorney’s sense of ethics and vocational work ethics. On the job that is anticipated to be accepted, client is given cost and risk clarification and shown alternative ways of solution.

Attorneyship, which is a public service in our country; is required to be fulfilled in accordance with laws, principles of Union of Turkish Bar Associations, European professional rules governing lawyers and basic principles on the role of lawyers adopted by the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders in Havana between 27 August - 7 September 1990. In this context, “independence”, “trust and honesty”, “privacy and secrecy”, “prudent and careful representation”, “informing the client with progress” and “keep the client’s interests more than the self’s or colleague’s” are base principles. If encountered with situations which specific knowledge and skills are needed during the follow-up, the subject is handled with legal experts with adequate knowledge and the experts with technical knowledge. The Courts are not provided with inaccurate and misleading information. An appropriate and kind relationship is conducted with attorney of the opposing party.

Çetiner Attorney Partnership, to provide service in accordance with the purposes and principles above, founded in 1984 as a law office, later on obtained "Attorney Partnership" status by being registered on Ankara Bar Council with (03) partnership registration number, in accordance with Attorneyship Law’s article 44/B.

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